UPDATED: NCTQ: “their remedies are part of the disease”

Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease.

Oscar Wilde (1891), The Soul of Man under Socialism

And so: NCTQ releases yet another think tank faux-report that will spur yet more press-release journalism.

In the wake of the Vergara ruling in California, which is one intended consequence of maintaining the distracting drum beat about “bad teachers,” I am convinced that NCTQ is implementing a strategy dramatized in the (regretfully) ignored film In Time: Keep everyone so frantic and thus distracted that no one can confront, as Oscar Wilde so wonderfully states, that NCTQ’s “remedies are part of the disease.”

I cannot and see no need to speak directly to new reports from NCTQ because, as I have stated before:

NCTQ offers no credible agenda or scholarship worthy of reforming teacher education. But this ideological think tank is a disturbing example of all that is wrong with the current education reform movement that has allowed people without experience or expertise as educators to perpetuate an education reform agenda through the weight of money, political influence, and media compliance.

Here, however, I will gather my previous posts on NCTQ as well as the expected responses to come—keeping in mind that we can feel safe even before looking at the report that NCTQ remains a think tank without credibility.

Responses to NCTQ


NCTQ (Finally) Gets Formally Rated– And It Isn’t Pretty.

UNC Study Examines NCTQ’s Ratings of Teacher Preparation Programs and Measures of NC Teacher Performance

Measuring Up: The National Council on Teacher Quality’s Ratings of Teacher Preparation Programs and Measures of Teacher Performance

Why NCTQ Is Wrong, NCTE

A Plethora of Recommendations Based on a Paucity of Evidence, Louann Reid

NCTQ’s Gradual Unmasking [UPDATED] (See compiled list of earlier responses to NCTQ at the end.)

UPDATED: NCTQ’s Free Pass in an Era of Press-Release Journalism

Those Nonsense Annual NCTQ Ratings Are Coming on June 17, Mercedes Schneider

Peter Smagorinsky: Response to the new NCTQ Teacher Prep Review

A “Fuller” Look at Education Issues, Ed Fuller

Shaky Methods, Shaky Motives: A Critique of the National Council of Teacher Quality’s Review of Teacher Preparation Programs, Ed Fuller

Knowledge Ventriloquism, EduShyster

Bunkum on teacher quality from the corporate reformers, Fred Klonsky

Professor: How NCTQ Restricts My Reading List, Katherine Crawford-Garrett

Reading Professor Responds to NCTQ Blast at Her Post, Katherine Crawford-Garrett

Statement on NCTQ Teacher Prep Review from Sharon P. Robinson, Ed.D., AACTE President and CEO


Resisting the National Council on Teacher Quality’s Propaganda, Jack Hassard

Also from Schneider

10 thoughts on “UPDATED: NCTQ: “their remedies are part of the disease””

  1. Paul, nicely laid out! That strategy of “In Time” chaos, Naomi Klein calls disaster capitalism or the shock doctrine. I definitely read the NCTQ as a part of Stephen Ball’s Global Ed., Inc, network moving to privatize education in this regard and deeply entwined with Mont Perelin Society spin offs (not sure the overlap between Fordham and American Enterprise or Heritage, but I’m sure they attend the same parties). I think we need to look at the history of successful (to the extent that there have been successes) resistance to these tactics. I’m not even sure that I’d count the Chicago Teacher Union as one, since they are still losing ground to Rahm. My inclination is to think of some grounds to sue the pants off of NCTQ–probably easier after report #1 with the consumer warnings than #2 which just lists us as “insufficient data”. I feel like law suits and damages are things these folk would understand. Given the junk science status of their reports, it’s pointless fighting (much) on the grounds of logic and data quality.

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